Complete the Promise of Remote Healthcare with Sophisticated Remote Observation
Remote Observation, Compliance & Certification Services
Diagnostic Collection Observation
Configurable system of video and/or photo observation with a variety of rulesets to support all types of quality control, compliance and certification of diagnostic self-collection, device or product setup and usage.
Ask Patients Questions
Configurable multiple choice patient questions during observation recordings which are provided to observers such as a patient’s self-reported test result for confirmation by an observer.
Ask Observers Questions
Configurable questions for observers to provide resulting and supplemental observation, resulting, compliance or certification data to patients, employers or external reporting systems.
Supporting Medicine and Medical Device Usage Compliance
Truly effective remote diagnostics, medical device usage reviews or product training benefits from professional observation. Whether the use case is for remote diagnostics or educating patients on device usage, our platform provides a wide array of capabilities to enhance the reliability of specimen collection or the effectiveness of the device.
Complete Capabilities for Employer or Legally Required Compliance
To support use cases where employers or law enforcement require test results or patients require medicine compliance, our observation capability is the perfect remote solution. Completely configurable to your specific use cases, clients can use countdown timers, ask patients and observers questions that are reported out, and video and photographic evidence shared with the compliance entities.