Add Prescription Compliance Capabilities In-House
Simple, Effective Component to Enable Prescription Compliance
Compliance without Telemedicine Sessions
Whether you have patients who you want to ensure are taking critical medicines or are running a clinical trial requiring precise compliance, the Platform provides a number of key capabilities that improves compliance results including:
Multiple languages so your organization can communicate with patients in their own language
Scheduled messaging of sessions and overdue session reminders
Real-time video and text chat support during education sessions
Record patient videos and photos of specific actions
Changing content over time in support of progressions
Automatically ask patients questions they are required to answer
Observer viewing of patient videos and photos
Build vs. License: Minimizing the Cost of Improving Product Education
There are a number of single-purpose medicine compliance software companies. However, organizations that have greater needs can leverage our compliance component to reduce the number of systems they subscribe to. Save money and simplify!